The Best Time to Be an ID. Ever.
Why we’re incredibly fortunate to be designing content when so much change is rippling through the world of workplace learning.

Using Questions to Review Works in Progress
Do you want to be more involved in your direct report’s content creation, but aren’t sure where to start? Perfect. If you follow a few key ideas, your direct report or team member will feel grateful for the help while feeling no loss of autonomy. First, your goal...
Reviewing Learning Deliverables: Foundational Ideas
This is the first in a series of articles about how to add reviews to the learning experience creation process. Done well, reviews raise the effectiveness of the deliverables, promote the learning designer’s development, and build confidence and collaboration across...
New Learning Values
How is workplace learning changing in the 21st Century? So where is true north in our new and changed workplace? What does good look like? How might we shift what we produce on a learning team so that our audience can learn at work the same way they do at home?...
Agile Learning Design
ADDIE is dead. Long live agile! There’s nothing particularly new or insightful about describing ADDIE as slow, rigid, and dated. ADDIE emerged as the dominant process for getting training done after being developed by the US Army in the 1950s. Judging by the job...
If You’re Still Delivering Virtual Training Like This, My Niece Hates You
The world changed suddenly and learning went online. But people still don’t deliver Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) with tenderness and mercy. The solution is simple, and surprisingly easy*. Just take the following five suggestions. That’s it. You’re done....
When Training Is Just Theatre
The setting was spectacular Outside the room, giant bowls of munchies promised savories and sweets to match my every craving. Inside, high-tech seats in clusters promised a warm and inviting experience. Huge video screens framed the central lecture in a room clearly...